Micrometeorological Measurements and Water Budget Calculation to Estimate Water Use of Sacramento Valley Rice Fields

Project PI: Kyaw Tha Paw U
Co-PIs: Kosana Suvočarev, Bruce Linquist, Mark Lundy, Matthew Roby and Kyaw Tha Paw U
Collaborators: Sarah Light
Postdoc: TBD
Funding: DWR
Duration: Starting soon
- Project description
Project designed to quantify full water budget of three fields with different growing practice for three calendar years: growing rice, bare soil (i.e. fallowed), and non-irrigated cover crops. The project focuses on direct measurements of key variables to the water budget of these fields to quantify water use and soil water infiltration of these three different rice field management practices. Co2 fluxes will be monitored simultaneously for developing information on how different practices impact the annual carbon balances of these fields. OpenET will be evaluated for these different field management practices based on ground measurements. The measurement results should provide crucial data for upscaling impacts of these practices for water and soil management in Sacramento Valley.
- Project Goals
1) measure ET of 3 different practices, 2) quantify water budget components, 3) evaluate OpenET ensemble and individual products, 4) study annual carbon balances for each field
- Measurements:
3 eddy covariance towers with IRGASONs, soil moisture profilers, water level measurements with pressure transducers